Evansville Promise Neighborhood

Evansville Promise Neighborhood logo

At the end of March, 我们宣布获得3000万美元的赠款,用于创建埃文斯维尔承诺社区. In partnership with 23 organizations, 该倡议将实施一个框架,以加强合作,扩大高质量的服务和支持,从而改善教育机会, increase jobs, expand economic development, reduce violent crime, 促进健康和获得保健的机会,增加获得高质量负担得起的住房的机会. 这个页面将为感兴趣的个人提供一个了解工作进展情况的位置, submit questions or ideas, and stay up to date on exciting developments from our partners. Read Evansville’s full proposal. You can also read the abstract version. As always, 埃文斯维尔的EPN提案与其他获奖社区一起在能源部网站上公布. Those can be found on the Office of Elementary Education website.

Evansville Promise Neighborhood Partners

Why Promise Neighborhoods?

“承诺社区”是一项由美国教育部提供的3000万美元联邦拨款项目, but it is also an approach driven by a vision, inspired by the Harlem Children’s Zone. 该计划的愿景是,所有在承诺社区长大的儿童和青少年都有机会进入高质量的学校,拥有强大的家庭和社区支持系统,为他们接受优质教育做好准备,并顺利过渡到大学和职业生涯. 教育部的目标是用这笔资金改善贫困地区儿童的学业和发展成果, 对这些社区来说,通过确定和提高符合条件的实体的能力,专注于在整个社区为儿童和青少年取得成果, cradle to career.

Why Evansville Promise Neighborhood?

Consistent with DOE’s goals, 埃文斯维尔承诺社区的设想是为了推进以下管道目标:

  • Pipeline Block 1. – Early Health and Education
  • Pipeline Block 2. – Student Achievement and Success
  • Pipeline Block 3. – Post-secondary Education Access
  • Pipeline Block 4. – Neighborhood and Community Revitalization

埃文斯维尔承诺社区预期的具体结果包括幼儿园准备情况, proficiency in core academic subjects, successful transitions from middle to high school, high school graduation, postsecondary education/credential attainment, health and safety, stable communities, family engagement, and access to 21 st century learning tools.

How will Evansville Promise Neighborhood achieve these goals?

虽然这笔赠款不会资助所有在埃文斯维尔承诺社区从事有价值工作的实体, MOU partners will provide targeted, 基于证据的解决方案,以推进管道目标,包括:

  1. Early childhood home visiting
  2. High-quality early childhood education
  3. Free early literacy resources for families
  4. Free adult learning programs for parents and caregivers
  5. Prenatal and early childhood medical care
  6. Chronic absenteeism and dropout prevention programs
  7. High-quality, in-school academic support programs
  8. High-quality, outside-of-school-time programs
  9. School social work services
  10. High School Equivalency and Job Skill Support
  11. Post-secondary preparation, coaching, and exploration programs
  12. 员工准备、培训和探索项目
  13. Neighborhood-based employment and job skills assistance
  14. 获取和分配卫生资源、营养教育和健康食品
  15. Family stability programs
  16. Neighborhood revitalization
  17. Community safety and violence prevention

EPN Partner Agencies

The following table lists all EPN partner agencies, the services they will provide, and their match committed to EPN initiatives. The grant application required at least a 1 to 1 match overall (not per partner). The match amount listed includes personnel, volunteer time and effort, 以及合作伙伴将向居民提供的其他实物支助服务. An organization may match more (or less) than it receives. 从拨款中拨给各机构的预算拨款目前不能在UE上分享.

Neighborhood Assets and Programs Supported Table
Organization Neighborhood Assets/Programs/Services EPN Match
UE Quality out-of-school time programs (Pathfinder), college exploration and readiness programs, ChangeLabs 1,209,137.87
EVSC Pre-K–12 public education, Full-Service Community Schools, 通过21世纪社区学习中心提供高质量的课后课程, Title 1 programs, behavioral health support, family and neighborhood engagement 5,173,195
Vanderburgh County Health Dept. Public health services, Pre to 3 Home Visiting program, immunizations, health promotion and education 1,208,186
Building Blocks Early childhood development resources, referrals, evidence- based curriculum, 早期学习/过渡教练和提供者培训模式,以提高早期学习中心的质量 2,735,285
YMCA 21st Century Community Learning Center programs, 身体健康,家庭和社区的支持和参与 836,000
United Way K-Camp 152,000
EVPL Public library, child, youth and family programs, 包括早期识字和优质青年发展项目 126,480
Goodwill Industries Digital Skills Academy, Excel Center Charter Adult School 2,631,197.44
Ivy Tech 社区大学,大学连接教练和K-14完成协调员 224,000
Junior Achievement JA Programs 4,975,767
Urban Seeds Healthy eating and food access programs 172,966
Youth First 学校社会工作项目和基于证据的学生和家庭强化项目 1,386,435
EPD Community policing, school liaison officers, notifications 3,403,709
Ronald McDonald House Charities Care Mobile: mobile prenatal and infant care 1,235,117.24
ECHO Housing Corporation 住房支持项目,PZ快递杂货运输,住房政策主管 110,500
Grow Southwest Indiana Workforce Board 就业援助项目,技能评估,培训,JAG项目 653,935
Dream Center In-and out-of-school time programs, Student Success Mentors (SSMs), Wraparound Care Specialist (WACS), neighborhood revitalization 3,402,000
Potter’s Wheel 优质的校外时间计划,辅导,辅导,娱乐,SSMs, WACS 378,000
Memorial CDC 住房支持,优质校外时间计划,辅导,辅导,娱乐,ssm, WACS 374,855
Boys and Girls Club Quality out-of-school time programs 780,675
Community One Neighborhood revitalization and improvement 1,327,855
Total 32,497,295.55


What does the grant fund?

美国能源部对“承诺社区”项目的成果要求非常明确. There are 5 academic-focused results, 5 family and community-focused results, as well as Project Outcomes, Performance Indicators, and 4 Pipelines to target. 该赠款并不资助在某一领域从事有价值工作的所有实体. Interventions must be evidence-based, targeted at required outcomes, supported in the research as a best practice, and targeted at the identified neighborhood. In addition, as the continuous improvement plan unfolds, 可能会遗漏一些服务,或者发现新的需求,需要我们引入更多的合作伙伴. 在以后的几年里,这一过程有一定的灵活性. 服务管道和结果图表包含在本摘要的末尾.

Where is the Evansville Promise Neighborhood?

我们的承诺社区包括如下所示的人口普查区, and these six schools: Evans Elementary School, Delaware Elementary School, Lincoln School, Bosse High School, Lodge Community School, and Glenwood Leadership Academy. 学校和人口普查区是根据“希望地带”内需求最集中的地区对学校和社区数据进行仔细审查后选出的.

Evansville Promise Neighborhood Map with census tracts

Where can I read the detailed narrative?

Read Evansville’s full proposal. You can also read the abstract version. As always, 埃文斯维尔的EPN提案与其他获奖社区一起在能源部网站上公布. Those can be found on the Office of Elementary Education website.


Questions can be directed to EPN@ycdwkj666.com.

What is UE giving in a match?

UE将从不同的职位为Promise Neighborhood团队提供支持:CIC, CDEI, Youth Programs Camp Offerings, Corporate and Foundation Relations support, Fiscal Affairs, the Toyota Mobile Innovation Lab, and more. 这主要是这些部门的个人在社区中进行的工作,作为他们当前战略产品的一部分. 然而,现在这项工作可以通过额外的支持和有针对性的资金进行扩展.

Organization Chart

Evansville Promise Neighborhood Org Chart

Required GPRA Indicators

Evansville Promise Neighborhood Map of Results